

Aliases: HyperParasite (ハイパーパラサイト) ハイパーパラサイト
Developers: Troglobytes Games
Publishers: Hound Picked Games QubicGames S.A.
Languages: German Chinese (Simplified) Portuguese (Brazil) Russian French Spanish (Spain) English Italian Polish Portuguese (Portugal) Chinese (Traditional) Japanese
Engines: Unreal Engine 4
Genres: Fighting Shooter Role-playing (RPG) Hack and slash/Beat 'em up Adventure Indie Arcade

A rogue-lite twin-stick shooter/brawler that never plays the same twice. Collect and control 60 different characters as the body-snatching alien Parasite with a grudge against humanity. Fight to the top of the food chain: possess the President, push the Big Red Button, and one-up the human race. It's the 80's all over again. Only this time, the human race has more than an obnoxious pop culture to contend with. With World War III nearing its demise, Earth only just begins to catch its breath when it is threatened by yet another menace. Unlike the preposterous mullets of its inhabitants, however, this one's invisible – a parasitic organism capable of making hosts of unsuspecting human beings, consuming what's left of their souls and wreaking unfathomable havoc. And it's spreading. With a vengeance. Martial laws have been declared to make way for a global hunt, battle-hardened law enforcers have made allies of the most degenerate of criminals, while the rest of the world is paralyzed with paranoia; yet who can be trusted? Who can see it, let alone destroy it? That's for them to worry about. For you are the enemy. You are the organism with a mission. You are... HyperParasite.

ID: 665a06bcee5d68809909a844
Size: 1.66 GB
Source: FreeGOG
Platform: windows
Updated: 2024-12-27 07:29:47.992 +0000 UTC
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HyperParasite Free Download (v1.0.1)
ID: 668bedf9af04fb75e7af6a6c
Size: 2 GB
Source: SteamRIP
Platform: windows
Updated: 2025-01-09 20:21:09.17 +0000 UTC
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ID: 673f357a92b779b9c9aeaf11
Size: 1.7 GB
Source: GOGGames
Platform: windows
Updated: 2024-12-27 11:16:21.775 +0000 UTC
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ID: 6770bc92d6407ee0c12976e2
Size: 1.87 GB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-29 03:05:54.638 +0000 UTC
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Base Game NSP (1.87 GB)(Download)