Rico London

Rico London

Aliases: 리코 런던 リコロンドン RICO 2 RICO London
Developers: Ground Shatter Ltd.
Publishers: Numskull Games
Languages: Dutch German English (UK) English Spanish (Spain) Japanese Chinese (Simplified) Korean French Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal)
Genres: Shooter Indie Arcade

Rico London is a gang-busting, name-taking, explosive cooperative shooter. Blast your way up the highrise tower stacked with East End gangsters solo or with a partner. Crash through doors, dodge bullets, turn the weapons of the fallen into your personal arsenal, and do whatever it takes to make it to the top.

RICO London по сети
ID: 665a06bbee5d68809909a4ed
Size: 3.9 GB
Source: OnlineFix
Platform: windows
Unzip password: online-fix.me
Updated: 2024-12-31 05:47:23.385 +0000 UTC
Label Link
RICO: London v1.0.7856
ID: 668bbae5c35abd88973ee040
Size: 2.2 GB
Source: FitGirl
Platform: windows
Updated: 2024-12-27 07:29:47.999 +0000 UTC
Label Link
RICO: London
ID: 677084e7d6407ee0c1296466
Size: 1.30 GB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-28 23:08:23.879 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (1.30 GB)(Download)
Update 1.0.7785 (v65536)(1Fichier)
Update 1.0.7785 (v65536)(Google Drive)
Update 1.0.7785 (v65536)(HexUpload)
Update 1.0.7785 (v65536)(MegaUp)