

Aliases: ルミニ Lumini (ルミニ)
Developers: Speelbaars
Publishers: Rising Star Games 2Awesome Studio
Languages: Italian Russian Portuguese (Brazil) German Spanish (Spain) Dutch Swedish English French Japanese Korean Portuguese (Portugal) Chinese (Simplified)
Engines: Unity
Genres: Adventure Indie Arcade

Lumini is a relaxing flow adventure game in which you take control over a swarm of innocent little creatures called lumini. After being gone for thousands of years, the balance on their home planet has shifted. With their return, the lumini find themselves in a hostile environment from which you need to keep them safe. On this journey you'll need to find out what happened in the past while trying to restore the balance on their planet. Using their special bond with the planet's energy, the lumini can replenish their swarm to replace their fallen comrades. Evolving their kind into an ever adapting and stronger species.

ID: 668bbdcdc35abd88973ee6be
Size: 535 MB
Source: FitGirl
Platform: windows
Updated: 2024-12-27 07:29:48 +0000 UTC
Label Link
ID: 6770c383d6407ee0c1297946
Size: 766 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-29 03:35:31.025 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (766 MB)(Download)
Update 1.0.1 (v65536)(1Fichier)
Update 1.0.1 (v65536)(Google Drive)
Update 1.0.1 (v65536)(MEGA)