Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome

Brink of Consciousness: Dorian Gray Syndrome

Aliases: Край Cознания: Синдром Дориана Грея Na Granicy Świadomości: Syndrom Doriana Graya Brink of Consciousness: Het Syndroom van Dorian Gray Brink of Consciousness: Síndrome de Dorian Gray Brink of Consciousness: Dorian-Gray-Syndrom Brink of Consciousness: Het Syndroom van Dorian Gray Brink of Consciousness: Le Syndrome de Dorian Gray 边缘意识:道林格雷综合症 Brink of Consciousness: La sindrome di Dorian Gray Brink of Consciousness: El síndrome de Dorian Gray Brink of Consciousness 1 Na Hraně Příčetnosti: Syndrom Doriana Graye ブリンク・オブ・コンシャスネス:ドリアン・グレイ症候群
Developers: MagicIndie
Publishers: Plug In Digital Viva Media Mastertronic Big Fish Games
Languages: Spanish (Spain) English French German Czech Dutch Japanese Russian Polish
Genres: Point-and-click Puzzle Adventure

Venture into the realm of a madman to free your beloved from captivity in this hidden object adventure! As reporter Sam Wilde, you must work quickly to unravel a bizarre series of disappearances involving young and beautiful people. Sam's every move is being tracked so he has to be extra careful. Putting his journalistic talents to the test, Sam must find the maniac who has kidnapped Anna, and stop him before it's too late.

Syndrome v1.03f
ID: 668bbd62c35abd88973ee5e6
Size: 2.2 GB (ENG/RUS) / 2.5 GB (MULTI8)
Source: FitGirl
Platform: windows
Updated: 2024-12-27 07:29:47.999 +0000 UTC
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