Kyuukyoku Tiger Heli: Toaplan Arcade Garage

Kyuukyoku Tiger Heli: Toaplan Arcade Garage

Aliases: Ultimate Tiger Heli 究極タイガーヘリ Kyuukyoku Tiger Heli
Developers: M2 Toaplan
Publishers: M2
Genres: Shooter Hack and slash/Beat 'em up Arcade
Themes: Action

A Compilation of Kyuukyoku Tiger (Ultimate Tiger, Known as Twin Cobra in the west) and Tiger-Heli, two classic TOAPLAN Arcade STGs as part M2's Shottrigger series of Shoot-em-up ports. This package includes arcade and home versions of both games, and the Toaplan Arcade Beat-em-up Get Star (Known in the west as Guardian) as a bonus title in the physical edition, and as DLC for the downloadable version. The typical features of an M2STG port, including Gadgets, Arcade Challenge, Super Easy mode and a Custom mode are included.

Tiger Heli
ID: 673f058eb282cecda2a8befb
Size: 12.0 MB
Source: GOGGames
Platform: windows
Updated: 2024-12-27 09:27:58.547 +0000 UTC
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