Dementium II

Dementium II

Aliases: Dementium 2 Heisa Byoutou: Dementium II
Developers: Renegade Kid
Publishers: SouthPeak Games
Genres: Puzzle Adventure

Dementium II continues to push the horror experience by melding FPS action and puzzles with a story and ambience that will have players on the edge of their seats. New wrinkles to gameplay, all new weapons, dual wielding items, improved interface and save system, and mind-boggling environments promise to engage gamers and spawn fear the likes of which some never thought possible.

Dementium II HD v.1.266 [Архив] (2010-2013)
ID: 674b6ec620870cd4ffb279d8
Size: 1.7 GB
Source: Xatab
Platform: windows
Updated: 2024-12-27 07:29:48.005 +0000 UTC
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