Alvastia Chronicles

Alvastia Chronicles

Aliases: アルバスティア戦記
Developers: Exe Create
Publishers: Kemco
Languages: Japanese English
Genres: Role-playing (RPG) Simulator Strategy Adventure Indie

RPG with over 100 companions?! Set out on an adventure in a retro-styled world!After encountering the man who killed their parents ten years prior, Elmia and her brother Alan set out to avenge their deaths as they fight to stem the tide of monsters flooding into the upper world, and restore peace to Alvastia.

Alvastia Chronicles
ID: 676fc808f8777cc9b75abed0
Size: 54 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-28 11:03:54.844 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (54 MB)(Download)
DLC Pack (3 DLCs)(1Fichier)
DLC Pack (3 DLCs)(FreeDL)
DLC Pack (3 DLCs)(Hexload)
DLC Pack (3 DLCs)(MegaUp)
Update 1.0.2 (v131072)(1Fichier)
Update 1.0.2 (v131072)(FreeDL)
Update 1.0.2 (v131072)(Hexload)
Update 1.0.2 (v131072)(MegaUp)