Scotland Yard: Hunting Mister X

Scotland Yard: Hunting Mister X

Aliases: Scotland Yard – La búsqueda de Mister X Scotland Yard – A caccia di Mister X Scotland Yard – Auf der Jagd nach Mister X Scotland Yard – À la poursuite de Mister X Scotland Yard – De jacht op Mister X
Developers: KORION Bit Barons
Publishers: Markt+Technik Verlag GmbH
Languages: English French German Italian Spanish (Spain)
Genres: Puzzle Card & Board Game

Find Mister X in Scotland Yard’s trickiest case yet! Mister X has gone underground somewhere in London, and the only clues are the tickets he carelessly threw away. But where did he use them? Look! There! Was that a quick glimpse of him?

Scotland Yard – Hunting Mister X
ID: 676fe2accea05748d7e07060
Size: 323 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-28 11:36:12.221 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game XCI (323 MB)(Download)