Inti Creates Gold Archive Collection

Inti Creates Gold Archive Collection

Developers: Inti Creates
Publishers: Inti Creates
Languages: Japanese

From the 8-bit generation. For the 8-bit generation! This game is reminiscent of the 80s, not just in looks, but also with simple controls that create a surprising amount of complexity and fun. Accompanying Gunvolt in this adventure are the angel Ekoro from Gal☆Gun and Beck from Mighty Number 9. Each character possesses different skills that will force the player to finish each stage in different and creative ways.

INTI CREATES Gold Archive Collection
ID: 676fe777cea05748d7e07212
Size: 752 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-28 11:56:39.062 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game XCI (752 MB)(Download)