

Developers: Mega Cat Studios
Publishers: Mega Cat Studios 8-Bit Legit
Languages: English
Genres: Role-playing (RPG) Adventure

Zoen, a master gardener and your mentor, has wandered into the fast-growing kudzu field and mysteriously disappeared. It is up to you and your arsenal of gardening tools - such as a rake, hoe, and machete - to hack your way through the overgrowth and bring Zoen back.

ID: 676ff7f0cea05748d7e07575
Size: 31 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-28 13:06:56.439 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (31 MB)(Download)
Update 1.0.1 (v65536)(1Fichier)
Update 1.0.1 (v65536)(FreeDL)
Update 1.0.1 (v65536)(MegaUp)