

Developers: Madison Karrh
Publishers: Wings Madison Karrh
Languages: English Spanish (Spain) Russian French German Chinese (Simplified) Japanese Portuguese (Brazil) Italian Polish English (UK) Spanish (Mexico)
Genres: Point-and-click Puzzle Adventure Indie

Birth is a pleasantly creepy point-and-click puzzle game about living alone in a large city and constructing a creature to keep you company out of spare bones and organs you find lying around. Explore libraries, post offices, museums, cafes, and apartments that don't belong to you, solving observational puzzles hidden in personal belongings and scenery.

ID: 677014b64c44af28026b55e3
Size: 2.21 GB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-28 15:09:42.189 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (2.21 GB)(Download)