Rumble Sus

Rumble Sus

Publishers: indienova
Languages: Chinese (Simplified) English French German Japanese Korean Portuguese (Portugal) Russian Spanish (Spain) Chinese (Traditional)

Rumble Sus is a fast-paced social deduction party game. Players learn their identity at the beginning by whether or not their controller is rumbling without others knowing. Once the game starts, the Traitors need to find teammates and try to defeat all the Innocents without being exposed. Meanwhile, the Innocents need to utilize items on the map and their wit to find dubious players and defeat all the Traitors. Pick up your controller and have a chaotic game full of laughter and suspicion with your friends!

Rumble Sus
ID: 67704683d6407ee0c1295390
Size: 241 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-28 18:42:11.38 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (241 MB)(Download)