Piczle Lines 2: Into the Puzzleverse

Piczle Lines 2: Into the Puzzleverse

Developers: Score Studios
Publishers: RAINYFROG
Languages: Chinese (Simplified) English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish (Spain) Chinese (Traditional)
Genres: Puzzle Simulator

Piczle Lines, the most addictive logic-puzzle known to Man, is back in this all new story-driven, extras-filled, puzzleverse-exploring extravaganza!

Piczle Lines 2: Into the Puzzleverse
ID: 6770470ed6407ee0c12953bc
Size: 960 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-28 18:44:30.125 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (960 MB)(Download)
DLC Pack (2 DLCs)(1Fichier)
DLC Pack (2 DLCs)(Google Drive)
DLC Pack (2 DLCs)(HexUpload)
DLC Pack (2 DLCs)(MegaUp)