Aero Striker: World Invasion

Aero Striker: World Invasion

Aliases: エローストライカーワールドインベーダーズ
Languages: English
Genres: Shooter Simulator Adventure Indie Arcade

Aero Striker is a highly stylized action-packed flight combat simulator game that is intentionally designed to be easy to make it more enjoyable and less nerve-racking. The aim is to have fun making aliens explode while experiencing the sensation of flying. Let none of the evil aliens escape!

Aero Striker – World Invasion
ID: 67704e30d6407ee0c1295633
Size: 2.15 GB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-28 19:14:56.131 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (2.15 GB)()
Base Game NSP (2.15 GB)(Download)