Marvel Land

Marvel Land

Aliases: Talmit's Adventure Talmit's Adventure
Developers: Namco
Publishers: Namco
Genres: Platform Adventure

King Mole has taken over Marvel Land and imprisoned its guardian fairies! Not Princess Wonora, too? Is there no hero left in Marvel Land to save its citizens from the evil King Mole and his henchmen? Prince Talmit, save us!

Arcade Archives MARVEL LAND
ID: 67704f24d6407ee0c1295684
Size: 50 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-28 19:19:00.663 +0000 UTC
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Base Game NSP (50 MB)(Download)
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Update 1.0.1 (v65536)(MegaUp)