Dragon Saber

Dragon Saber

Developers: NOW Production
Publishers: Namco Namco Bandai Games
Genres: Shooter

Dragon Saber is a vertical scrolling shooter arcade game, released by Namco in 1990; it runs on Namco System 2 hardware, and as its complete title suggests, it is the sequel to Dragon Spirit which had been released three years earlier. The sequel to Dragon Spirit follows much in the same vein, with your flying dragon defeating prehistoric monsters over various landscapes. This time round there is a two player mode thrown in for extra appeal.

Arcade Archives DRAGON SABER
ID: 67706625d6407ee0c1295c1f
Size: 42 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-28 20:57:09.37 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (42 MB)(Download)