Rolling Car

Rolling Car

Aliases: ローリング カー
Publishers: RedDeerGames
Genres: Platform Puzzle Racing

Drive your car on the looping conveyor belt where tight platforming awaits you. Use your ride's built-in rocket jump and turbo to nimbly overcome traps. Remember, speed isn't always the best option - some situations will require patience! Rolling Car features 30 exciting levels of increasing difficulty that will put your skills to the test! Dangerous saws, spikes, rockers or multi-level constructions requiring daring jumps - all in precisely designed riddle levels.

Rolling Car
ID: 677071c8d6407ee0c1295f19
Size: 425 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-28 21:46:48.509 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (425 MB)(Download)