Lyrica & Lyrica 2 Stars Align

Lyrica & Lyrica 2 Stars Align

Aliases: 陽春白雪 Lyrica&続陽春白雪 結星諧調 Lyrica2 Stars Align 特装版
Developers: COSEN
Publishers: COSEN
Languages: Chinese (Simplified) English Japanese
Genres: Music

Lyrica is a rhythm game that’s unique in many ways. It’s musically entertaining; it expresses literature artistically; it applied poetries in the gameplay and created a new gaming experience for the gamers.

Lyrica2 Stars Align
ID: 67708797d6407ee0c1296551
Size: 251 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-28 23:19:51.931 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (251 MB)(Download)