Aeon Drive

Aeon Drive

Aliases: イーオンドゥライブ
Developers: 2Awesome Studio
Publishers: Critical Reflex
Languages: Portuguese (Brazil) Polish Chinese (Traditional) Japanese French Spanish (Spain) Chinese (Simplified) English Dutch German Italian Korean Portuguese (Portugal) Russian
Engines: Unity
Genres: Platform Adventure Indie Arcade

Aeon Drive is an action platformer game set in a cyberpunk version of Barcelona. The player controls Jack, a stranded space pilot on a quest to retrieve faulty pieces of dimension-bending machinery in order to preserve the space-time fabric of the universe. Jack will have to overcome a myriad obstacles using her sword, her teleportation dagger, and her unique skill to control time.

Aeon Drive
ID: 677088dcd6407ee0c12965c6
Size: 469 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-28 23:25:16.501 +0000 UTC
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Base Game NSP (469 MB)(Download)
Update 1.0.1 (v65536)(1Fichier)
Update 1.0.1 (v65536)(Google Drive)
Update 1.0.1 (v65536)(HexUpload)
Update 1.0.1 (v65536)(MegaUp)