Solomon Program

Solomon Program

Aliases: ソロモンプログラム
Developers: Konami Digital Entertainment
Publishers: Konami Digital Entertainment
Genres: Strategy Turn-based strategy (TBS)

Solomon Program is a turn-based strategy game in which players fight one-on-one on a chess or shogi-like board field. Players are free to construct their own action patterns for each unit using pre-defined elements ("phrases"). Up to four units can be added to the deck, from which a "king" is designated. The player who defeats the opponent's "King" wins.

Solomon Program ソロモンプログラム
ID: 67709e4fd6407ee0c1296c8b
Size: 1.6 GB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-29 00:56:47.463 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (1.6 GB)(Buy Premium)
Base Game NSP (1.6 GB)(Download)