God Wars: Future Past

God Wars: Future Past

Aliases: GOD WARS ~時をこえて~ God Wars: Toki wo Koete GOD WARS ~시대를 넘어~
Developers: Kadokawa Games
Publishers: NIS America Nippon Ichi Software Kadokawa Games
Genres: Role-playing (RPG) Strategy Turn-based strategy (TBS) Tactical

A tactical RPG that fuses Japan's oldest historical record book, Kojiki, and an ancient figure who everyone knows, Shaka, into a single adventure. It illustrates the lives of heroes who left their marks, fighting against nature, while balancing those two aspects on their shoulders.

God Wars: The Complete Legend
ID: 67709f7dd6407ee0c1296cf0
Size: 1.9 GB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-29 01:01:49.235 +0000 UTC
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Base Game NSP (1.9 GB)(Buy Premium)
Base Game NSP (1.9 GB)(DLC)
Base Game NSP (1.9 GB)(Download)
Base Game NSP (1.9 GB)(Update 1.1)
DLC Pack (9 DLCs)(1Fichier)
DLC Pack (9 DLCs)(Google Drive)
DLC Pack (9 DLCs)(MegaUp)
DLC Pack (9 DLCs)(SendCM)
Update 1.1 (v65536)(1Fichier)
Update 1.1 (v65536)(Google Drive)
Update 1.1 (v65536)(MegaUp)
Update 1.1 (v65536)(SendCM)