Capcom Arcade Stadium

Capcom Arcade Stadium

Developers: Capcom
Publishers: Capcom
Languages: English French German Spanish (Spain) Italian Portuguese (Brazil) Thai Russian Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Japanese Korean Portuguese (Portugal)
Genres: Fighting Shooter Platform Arcade

Rediscover the era of 1up's and quarter eaters with Capcom Arcade Stadium, a collection of Capcom's most beloved arcade games spanning three decades! With 32 action-packed classics featuring some of the best games in Capcom history, such as Street Fighter II: The World Warrior and Strider, this compilation of retro games allows you to travel back in time to scratch that nostalgic itch or share your fond childhood memories with friends or family members!

Capcom Arcade Stadium
ID: 6770a0bcd6407ee0c1296d61
Size: 1.15 GB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-29 01:07:08.467 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (1.15 GB)(Download)
DLC Pack (33 DLCs)(1Fichier)
DLC Pack (33 DLCs)(HexUpload)
DLC Pack (33 DLCs)(MegaUp)
Update 1.0.8 (v524288)(1Fichier)
Update 1.0.8 (v524288)(Google Drive)
Update 1.0.8 (v524288)(HexUpload)
Update 1.0.8 (v524288)(MegaUp)