We Are Doomed

We Are Doomed

Developers: Vertex Pop
Publishers: Vertex Pop
Languages: English Portuguese (Brazil) German French Italian Spanish (Spain) Portuguese (Portugal)
Genres: Shooter Indie Arcade

"WE ARE DOOMED is a twin-stick shooter where you zap polygon baddies with an absurdly overpowered laserbeam. Dive head-first into the action with reckless ambition, charge the SUPERBEAM, and zap everything out of existence in an instant. Chase high scores or just enjoy the beautiful explosion of geometry, colour and light."

ID: 6770b0a2d6407ee0c12972d6
Size: 77 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-29 02:14:58.276 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (77 MB)(Buy Premium)
Base Game NSP (77 MB)(Download)