March to a Million

March to a Million

Aliases: Million Koushinkyoku ♪ Mirion koushinkyoku ♪ ミリオン行進曲♪ ミリオン行進曲♪ ミリオン行進曲
Developers: Kairosoft
Publishers: Kairosoft
Languages: Chinese (Simplified) Thai English Chinese (Traditional) Japanese Korean
Genres: Music Role-playing (RPG) Simulator Strategy Indie

Simulation game for android and ios made by Kairosoft.

March to a Million
ID: 6770c673d6407ee0c1297a5a
Size: 198 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-29 03:48:03.538 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (198 MB)(Download)