The Legend of Dark Witch

The Legend of Dark Witch

Aliases: 魔神少女 -Chronicle 2D ACT- Majin Shoujo: Chronicle 2D Act 魔神少女
Publishers: CIRCLE Entertainment INSIDE SYSTEM QubicGames S.A. Shanghai Oriental Pearl Suole Culture Development Ltd.
Languages: English Chinese (Traditional) Japanese Chinese (Simplified) French German Italian Spanish (Spain)
Genres: Shooter Platform Role-playing (RPG) Adventure Indie

The Legend of Dark Witch is a 2D platform action game. Zizou can learn new attacks by defeating bosses. She will need every one of those attacks if she is going to save the world. -A magical world beautifully depicted through in-game graphics. -Diverse levels that provide a fair challenge. -Additional bonuses that reward those who replay the game. -3 difficulty mode

The Legend of Dark Witch
ID: 6770ca57d6407ee0c1297bc2
Size: 1.60 GB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-29 04:04:39.915 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (1.60 GB)(Download)
DLC Pack(1Fichier)
DLC Pack(HexUpload)
DLC Pack(MegaUp)
Update 1.0.7 (v458752)(1Fichier)
Update 1.0.7 (v458752)(HexUpload)
Update 1.0.7 (v458752)(MegaUp)