Dusk Diver

Dusk Diver

Aliases: ダスクダイバー 酉閃町
Developers: JERA Game Studio
Publishers: JFI GAMES WANIN Games PQube
Languages: English Chinese (Traditional) Japanese Chinese (Simplified) Russian Korean
Engines: Unreal Engine 4
Genres: Role-playing (RPG) Strategy Adventure

This anime touch action game with stories base on Ximending. Players can carry on the phantom slaying adventures and fight along with guardians as story progresses. In game, you can experience the swiftness from the chain attacks and the fun of varies tactical skill combinations!

Dusk Diver
ID: 6770ca63d6407ee0c1297bc6
Size: 3.33 GB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-29 04:04:51.365 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game NSP (2.99 GB)(Download)
Base Game XCI (3.33 GB)(Download)
DLC Pack (4 DLC)(1Fichier)
DLC Pack (4 DLC)(HexUpload)
DLC Pack (4 DLC)(MegaUp)
Update 1.0.6 (v393216)(1Fichier)
Update 1.0.6 (v393216)(HexUpload)
Update 1.0.6 (v393216)(MegaUp)