Tactics V: "Obsidian Brigade"

Tactics V: "Obsidian Brigade"

Developers: From Nothing Game Studios
Publishers: From Nothing Game Studios
Languages: English
Genres: Role-playing (RPG) Strategy Tactical

Tactics V: "Obsidian Brigade" is a retro-style tactical turn-based video game in homage to console tactical RPGs from the 1990s. Its set in an in-house fantasy setting with it's own lore and magic, It also uses techniques to convert to a 2D isometric look from 3D assets.

Tactics V Obsidian Brigade
ID: 6770d1b3d6407ee0c1297e46
Size: 614 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-29 04:36:03.637 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game (614 MB)(Download)
Update 1.7 (v458752)(Google Drive)