Attack of the Toy Tanks

Attack of the Toy Tanks

Developers: Petite Games
Publishers: Ratalaika Games
Languages: Spanish (Spain) English French German Russian
Genres: Shooter Racing Simulator Strategy Adventure Indie Arcade

War is coming whether you’re ready for it or not soldier! In Attack of the Toy Tanks, across the game’s 60 levels in the main campaign, players must take control of the provided vehicle of war and battle it out across different arenas and be the last tank standing.

Attack of the Toy Tanks
ID: 6770d5acd6407ee0c1297fcf
Size: 138 MB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-29 04:53:00.152 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game (138 MB)(Download)