Umihara Kawase Fresh!

Umihara Kawase Fresh!

Aliases: 海腹川背 Fresh!
Developers: Studio Saizensen
Publishers: Success Corporation Nicalis, Inc.
Languages: English Japanese Chinese (Traditional) Korean Chinese (Simplified)
Genres: Platform Adventure

Umihara Kawase is an action game series where the player controls protagonist Umihara Kawase to reach the end of each level. The game is highlighted by its rubber ring action in which the player uses an elastic rope to progress.

Umihara Kawase Fresh
ID: 6770d75bd6407ee0c1298076
Size: 1.90 GB
Source: Nxbrew
Platform: switch
Updated: 2024-12-29 05:00:11.214 +0000 UTC
Label Link
Base Game (1.90 GB)(Download)
Update 1.0.4 (v262144)(1Fichier)
Update 1.0.4 (v262144)(FastDrive)
Update 1.0.4 (v262144)(Google Drive)
Update 1.0.4 (v262144)(MegaUp)